The Randomizer block is a feature that allows you to split traffic between different paths in your automation, enabling you to run A/B tests, manage contests, or create personalized experiences for your contacts. In this article, we’ll guide you through how the Randomizer works, explain its key settings, and provide best practices to ensure accurate and effective use.
How to set up a Randomizer block
To add a Randomizer block, click on the round button in the upper-right corner of the screen or double-click any empty space in the Flow Builder. Then, select the Randomizer block from the list:
Click on the added Randomizer block to add more options by clicking + New Variation or adjust the distribution by dragging the sliders next to each path to set the desired percentages:
Check the box Random path every time if you want the contact to follow a random path each time they reach the Randomizer step.
When using the Randomizer block with the Random path every time checkbox unchecked, contacts are sorted into specific groups (e.g., A, B, C) the first time they encounter the block. Once a contact is assigned to a group, they will remain in that group. This means that if the same automation is triggered for the contact again, they will always follow the same path they were assigned initially.
Distribution for large numbers of contacts
With the Random path every time option unchecked, the Randomizer block distributes contacts in batches.
For example, if you send a message to 1000 contacts, it might send 200 contacts to Path A, 200 to Path B, 200 to Path C, and then start again with another 200 to Path A and 200 to Path B. By the end, Paths A and B would receive 400 contacts each, while Path C would only get 200.
This happens because the Randomizer works in parts and tries to balance the distribution step by step. However, this process can sometimes lead to discrepancies, especially with large numbers of contacts.
Recommendations for different use cases
Ongoing automations: For ongoing automations like quizzes, sales, or tournaments, the unchecked setting is ideal because the Randomizer can continually process new contacts, gradually evening out the distribution.
One-time broadcasts: If you’re sending a one-time broadcast, we recommend enabling the Random path every time option. With this setting, the Randomizer assigns each contact to a random path without referencing statistics. This method ensures a natural distribution across all paths, avoiding discrepancies caused by batch processing.
By choosing the right Randomizer settings for your specific use case, you can ensure an accurate and fair distribution of contacts.