Manychat is a multi-channel platform that allows you to interact with your contacts via Instagram, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, SMS, and Email.
But what if you want similar automations for different channels? Recreating those automations can be time-consuming. With Manychat, you can streamline this process by clicking a single button to convert automations between channels.
How does it work?
- Open the automation you want to convert.
- Click the three dots in the upper-right corner and select Convert Channels:
A two-column pop-up window will appear, listing your Channels in Automation on the left and Target Channels on the right.
- In the Target Channels column, select the desired channel:
- Click Duplicate and Convert.
Your newly duplicated and converted automation will appear.
⚠️ Before publishing: Review the converted automation to ensure there are no gaps. Add the necessary trigger and edit the automation as needed.
Block compatibility across channels
Some blocks may not be supported in all channels, meaning the converted automation might lose certain blocks. Be sure to review and adjust the automation accordingly after conversion. Here is an overview of the blocks and channels they are compatible with:
- Text, Image: Supported on all channels (except MMS outside the US).
- Button: Supported on Messenger, Instagram, Telegram, and WhatsApp.
- Quick Reply: Supported on Messenger, Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp, and SMS (converts to “Contact Reply”).
- Card, Gallery, Delay: Supported on Messenger and Instagram.
- Audio, Video, Dynamic block: Supported on Messenger and Instagram.
- File: Supported on Messenger, Instagram, Telegram, and WhatsApp.
- Data collection: Input types will convert to “text type” if the original input type is not supported in the target channel.
- Variables: All variables (e.g., last seen, last interaction, opt-in and opt-out variables) will transfer without any changes.
- Triggers: Triggers will be removed during the conversion process, so you’ll need to add them to the converted automation manually.