Managing automations in Manychat sometimes means replacing or updating existing ones with something new. This might happen if you install a template from another account and want to use its features, or if you need to adjust automations and responses to make them more relevant. Templates come with ready-made workflows to save time and improve functionality, but they may need some adjustments to fit your needs. This guide will show you how to replace automations like Default Replies, Story Mention Replies, Conversation Starters, or Main Menu items, making the process simple and easy to customize.
Once you've installed a template to your Manychat account, it will be saved in a folder under Automation > My Automations:
Let’s use Instagram automations as an example.
Replacing a Default Reply or Story Mention Reply
To replace a Default Reply or Story Mention Reply, hover your cursor over the X icon and select a new automation to use as a replacement:
Connecting pre-built automations for Conversation Starters or Main Menu
To connect a pre-built template Automation for Conversation Starters or Main Menu, navigate to Settings > Instagram and click Edit on the entry point or trigger where you want to replace an automation.
Hover over the left side of the item you want to change, and a menu will appear. Click Delete to remove it.
Next, you can click + Menu item to add a new item and either create a new automation or select one from the existing options.
If you choose to use an existing automation, select it from the pop-up window and click Pick This Automation.
Once you've connected the new automation, you can edit and customize it as needed to suit your requirements.