In this article, you will learn how to set up the default opt-in and opt-out automations.
Opt-in automation is triggered when the user types "Start" or "Subscribe" in one of the supported channels.
Opt-out automation is triggered when the user types "Stop" or "Unsubscribe" one of the supported channels.
If you want to change the automation triggered by these keywords, go to the corresponding channel’s settings and click the Edit button to open it.
⚠️ Note: System keywords are set by default and aren't editable, but you can add your own keywords as triggers if necessary. Once you finish editing the automation, don’t forget to click the Update button to save your changes.
You can change the automations triggered by system keywords for Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Telegram channels. As for the SMS channel, it’s only possible to edit the Opt-out text by sending a request to the support.