When you send a message to a contact using a Message Template or Broadcast, the delivery can fail for several reasons. A common cause is that the contact’s WhatsApp ID is invalid.
There are three known categories of Meta errors that occur when attempting to deliver messages, and they are listed below. To troubleshoot an issue, follow the solutions provided in the third column. Then, try sending your message(s) again.
Message undeliverable
Code |
Description |
Possible solutions |
HTTP status code |
131026 Message Undeliverable |
Unable to deliver message. Reasons can include:
Using a non-WhatsApp communication method, ask the WhatsApp user to:
400 Bad Request
Contact has an experimental number
130472 User's number is part of an experiment |
Message was not sent as part of an experiment. |
400 Bad Request
Message not delivered by Meta
131049 Met chose not to deliver. |
This message was not delivered to maintain healthy ecosystem engagement. |
Do not retry immediately if you do receive this error code and suspect it is due to the limit. Instead, retry in increasing larger time increments until the message is delivered, since the limit may be in effect for differing periods of time. See Per-User Marketing Template Message Limits for additional information. |
400 Bad Request
🔗 The latest update on reasons and possible solutions can be found in the Other Errors section in Meta’s WhatsApp Error Codes documentation.
In Manychat, there are two types of errors:
- After a broadcast has been sent, any messages not delivered due to one of the reasons above will appear in the Live Chat thread as an error message.
- Similarly, if you send a message template via Live Chat and it fails, you will see an error message in the bottom-left corner. The error message in the thread will be the same as in the broadcast example above: